website title Steve Davison photographer and writer

Nature - Plants and Fungi

A selection of photographs of plants - both wildflowers and garden plants, trees and fungi.

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Nature - Fungi - Blusher (amanita rubescens)Nature - Fungi - Blusher (amanita rubescens)Nature - Fungi - Brown Birch Bolete (leccinum scabrum)Nature - Fungi - Dyers Mazegill (phaeolus schweinitzii)Nature - Fungi - Fly Agaric (amanita muscaria)Nature - Fungi - Fly Agaric (amanita muscaria)Nature - Fungi - Fly Agaric (amanita muscaria)Nature - Fungi - Fly Agaric (amanita muscaria)Nature - Fungi - Giant Polypore (meripilus gignteus)Nature - Fungi - GrisetteNature - Fungi - Larch Bolete (suillus grevillei)Nature - Fungi - Mica Cap (coprinellus micaceus)Nature - Fungi - Mica Cap (coprinellus micaceus)Nature - Fungi - Mica Cap (coprinellus micaceus)Nature - Fungi - Mica Cap (coprinellus micaceus)Nature - Fungi - Velvet ShankNature - Fungi - Golde WaxcapNature - Plants - AlliumNature - Plants - Alpine Snowbell (soldanella alpina)Nature - Plants - Autumn GentianNature - Plants - Autumn GenetianNature - Plants - Bell HeatherNature - Plants - Bird of Paradise flower (Portugal)Nature - Plants - Birdsfoot TrefoilNature - Plants - BluebellNature - Plants - BluebellNature - Plants - Bog AsphodelNature - Plants - Clustered BellflowerNature - Plants - Common DaisyNature - Plants - Common KnapweedNature - Plants - Common KnapweedNature - Plants - Common MilkwortNature - Plants - Common Spotted OrchidNature - Plants - Cross-leaved HeathNature - Plants - Dandelion (seed head)Nature - Plants - Devil's PaintbrushNature - Plants - EdelweissNature - Plants - Fern BrackenNature - Plants - Fern BrackenNature - Plants - FoxgloveNature - Plants - Foxgloves (Cornwall)Nature - Plants - GorseNature - Plants - HarebellNature - Plants - LavenderNature - Plants - British Soldiers LichenNature - Plants - String of Sausages Lichen on a treeNature - Plants - String of Sausages Lichen on a treeNature - Plants - Marsh MarigoldNature - Plants - NavelwortNature - Plants - Ox-eye Daisies (Cornwall)Nature - Plants - Pasque FlowerNature - Plants - common Red PoppyNature - Plants - Pyramidal OrchidNature - Plants - Red CampionNature - Plants - Rough HawksbitNature - Plants - Round-leaved SundewNature - Plants - Sea Rocket (Shetland)Nature - Plants - SelfhealNature - Plants - Snakeshead FritillaryNature - Plants - Snakeshead FritillaryNature - Plants - SnowdropNature - Plants - Southern Marsh OrchidNature - Plants - Spring Crocus (Inkpen)Nature - Plants - Spring CrocusNature - Plants - Spring Gentian (Switzerland)Nature - Plants - Spring SquillNature - Plants - Storks Bill (erodium cicutarium)Nature - Plants - Summer SnowflakeNature - Plants - TormetilNature - Plants - Common Dog VioletNature - Plants - ViolaNature - Plants - Water Lily (nymphaea ellisiana)Nature - Plants - Wood AnemoneNature - Plants - Yellow RattleNature - Plants - Yellow RattleNature - Trees - Apple blossomNature - Trees - BlackthornNature - Trees - Hawthron (Dartmoor)Nature - Trees - Horse ChesnutNature - Trees - Beech leavesNature - Trees - Spindle BushNature - Trees - Wistman's Wood (Dartmoor)Nature - Trees - Wistman's Wood (Dartmoor)